Sniper’s Wife Talks Domestic Abuse

If you were alive 15 years ago, chances are you remember the Washington, D.C. sniper case. A grown man and his accomplice, a teenage boy, took the lives of 10 people in Virginia and Maryland. The pair was convicted in both states, and John Allen Muhammad was ultimately executed. That man’s ex-wife is now speaking out and offering her opinion on the link between domestic violence and the recent rash of gun violence across the nation.
Mildred Muhammad, the ex-wife of the sniper, sat on a panel in Northwest D.C. recently and shared her story. Unlike other victims of domestic violence, she doesn’t have scars to prove she was struck. Instead, her scars are emotional as she was the victim of verbal and emotional abuse. Almost every person accused of the recent onslaught of violent attacks has a history of either being accused of, charged with or convicted of domestic violence.
The government does try to keep guns and other weapons out of the hands of those accused. It is currently against federal law for a person who has been convicted of domestic violence or another violent crime to possess, much less purchase, a weapon. As we have seen, laws don’t always stop people from getting their hands on weapons.
If you have been a victim of domestic violence, reach out to one of our Columbia, MD divorce lawyers. We understand what you may be going through and we are here to help you. Call today to schedule an appointment for a case evaluation and learn more about your legal rights.