Can social media be used as evidence in your family law case?
Columbia, Maryland family law attorney at Coover Law Firm discusses the use of social media posts in divorce or child custody & how to manage your social media.
Columbia, Maryland family law attorney at Coover Law Firm discusses the use of social media posts in divorce or child custody & how to manage your social media.
How Are Retirement Plans Divided in a Divorce Case? One of the largest assets to be divided between divorcing spouses [both genders] is often the retirement plans/ benefits or one or both spouses. Judges may order that the “marital” portion of such retirement benefits be divided between the divorcing spouses and paid, even years in…
Under Maryland law, custody of a minor child is defined in terms of “legal custody”; “ physical custody ”; “sole custody”; “shared custody” and “ joint custody ”. When making a custody determination, Maryland judges and magistrates apply a legal standard known as the “child’s best interests” and determine where the residence of the child…
Separation and Divorce can often become an extremely heated process. Perhaps your spouse’s violent or threatening tendencies are what led to the separation, or perhaps these behaviors arose only after you began the process of separating from or divorcing your spouse. One thing is certain: you are protected under the law from being abused, threatened,…
Is it Time to Relax? Mom and Dad are gone. You know they had a reverse mortgage on the house – What happens now? What can you do? What should you do? Top Ten Things You Should Know. a reverse mortgage can be a wonderful thing – they allow people on fixed incomes to get paid and…
A recent case has followed an example set by a Maryland court, and brings renewed attention to the question of what should happen to frozen embryos where the creating couple has split. The most recent case involves a woman, Karla Dunston, and her then-boyfriend, Jacob Szafranski, who agreed to create and freeze embryos when Dunston…
Battles over child custody are difficult for all parties involved, but they can be especially punishing for the children. In cases of shared custody arrangements, following these basic guidelines to keep your children out of the fight between you and your spouse will help you protect their happiness and well-being as much as possible. 5 Ways to…
The Aftermath of Divorce: Is it Time to Relax? Your divorce is finalized. Congratulations! You are likely mentally, emotionally (and perhaps financially) exhausted. You need “down time” – everything but work and the kids can wait, right? However, in the aftermath of divorce, the best thing that you can do is KEEP MOVING. The process that…
Separation and divorce are emotionally and financially difficult for everyone involved. Feelings of grief, helplessness, vulnerability, financial devastation, and lack of control are very typical. The process is generally among the most difficult challenges a person encounters during their lifetime – and it seems to take forever to end. However, Maryland has recently made some…
Separation and divorce is very difficult – financially and emotionally for everyone involved – spouses, children, extended family members and friends. The sense of “loss” can be profound. Feelings of grief, helplessness, vulnerability, financial devastation and lack of control are very typical. The process is generally among the most difficult challenges a person encounters during…