Howard County, MD, Corporate Collections Lawyers

Increase the Chances of Collecting Unpaid Debts

At the Coover Law Firm we know that nothing is more frustrating that being owed money by someone who refuses to pay a legitimate debt. The direct involvement of an experienced debt collection attorney who serves clients in Howard County as well as cities and townships in neighboring Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Carroll, Frederick and Montgomery Counties considerably increases the chances of recovering your debt.

Our firm practices in the areas of commercial debt collection litigation and the enforcement of creditors’ rights. We are experienced, aggressive, resourceful, and persistent. All of the actions we take on your behalf are valid under the laws and regulations of the Federal Government and the State of Maryland.

The attorneys of the Coover Law Firm know how to compel a debtor to pay when he or she is avoiding their obligation to you. We use all the tools available by law to collect money due you, aggressively pursuing debtors with tenacity and diligence. Our Maryland Debt Collection Lawyers specialize in:

  • Writ of Attachment
  • Appointment of a Receiver
  • Execution on Bank Accounts
  • Debtor Exams
  • Litigation
  • Recovery of Costs
  • Domestication of Judgments
  • Mechanic’s Liens
  • Garnishments
  • Loans, guaranties, letters of credit, and other extensions of credit;
  • Debts for goods sold and delivered;
  • Attorneys’ fees and fees owed to accountants and other professionals, including consulting fees;
  • Rent arrears and unpaid condominium common charges;
  • Suits seeking recoveries based on unjust enrichment, such as claims based on quantum meruit (fair value for worked performed or goods supplied in the absence of a formal contract); and
  • A wide variety of contract-related litigation.

Howard County Corporate Collections Lawyers

Experienced Columbia Debt Collection Attorney

When you provide a product or service for a customer, you expect and deserve to be paid in a timely manner.   At the Coover Law Firm, we help in debt collection, attachment, default and other financial matters. Instead of making repeated calls met with broken promises or apathy, contact the debt collection attorneys of the Coover Law Firm, LLC at 410-995-1100.